Friday, 17 July 2015

Homeless City Ads Selected for Art Habens Review of Contemporary Art 2015

Following the recent success in being selected and exhibited as part of the Big Noise Festival Photography Competition, the Homeless CityAds project has been selected through an open international call to be included in Art Habens Review of Contemporary Art 2015.

According to Art Habens “this year’s edition will focus on a recurrent paradox in contemporary art: the vague and ambiguous but thoroughly entrenched boundaries between the different practices of new media”. They continue “In particular it will engage with artists dealing with process-driven changes in our society, who pair their observations with new media technologies to produce their art projects.”

About RT Habens: ART Habens aims to engage artists, curators and gallerists in conversation about the role of Art in contemporary society. Inspired by the worldwide art scene, we highlight that art is an essential element in our lives: ART Habens reserves a special place to explore these transformations; first, by acknowledging the energy and effort that goes into the creation of art, and second, by investigating the new life a work takes on as it is transferred from artist to world.